A.G.A.I.G. DAY 15

Today was a shed and garden day. The highlight will be the arrival of the Tesco delivery between 8 and 9 0’clock tonight. The fridge is looking empty and we need our order to see us through the week.

My day started with a sandwich and coffee before I go to the shed and set up my garden office. Settling in I start the first letter of the day and sit writing with the occasional moments revere looking out over the garden. I more and more think that having access to the garden is what will get me through, coupled of course with the care and love of those close to me. I can only write for so long so I take time out to plant some broad beans and peas in some of the garden troughs. While I am on a roll I try to sort out the solar fountain in the pond that has stopped working. I place the pump and outlet in a bucket but nothing I did brought the pump back to life. I decided it was officially knackered and search the internet for a replacement. I found a floating disc version that I am willing to give a try. So, its waiting on Mr Amazon to deliver from now on.

After a brief lunch I return to writing letters. I finish my second letter of the day just as my daughter prepares to go for her exercise walk. She acts as my Hogwarts Owl taking my letters to the post box for me. Without this I would be cut off from this form of communication, one which means so much to me.

I prepare dinner, chicken curry, and we sit to eat and catch up with the corona virus. The usual grim news and the usual desperate attempt to get entertainment out of it. So having moved the car we wait for the Tesco van to deliver us from an empty fridge.

A very welcome sight. We will not starve.

So having stocked the fridge we settle down to watch people race across the world and eat spatchcock guinea pig. Life has its strange moments.

The good news is that after almost a month of self injections my calf appears to be reducing in size and feels less stretched and awkward. Two more days of 1800 unit injections and then I start on a reduced dose of 1500 unit injections. How long for I do not know, what I have got will take me through the next month.