Today is Thursday, I like to keep track of these things. Patio coffee and Woman, Girl, Other. The more I read the more I see parallels in the literature of the working class. Same undervalued, unrecognised, isolated, alienated and denied, particularly nasty as its inflicted by ones own. End up thinking that no matter what you achieve there is a pernicious sense that you should not be there.

Breakfast of bacon sandwich and coffee, followed by more reading and a phone call to the GP to organise next weeks blood test. By lunchtime I was ready for my Open Forum and hurray people turned up. It was a good hour and productive, I felt quite lifted. I chatted with a colleague after the forum and then retreated to the shed to write up the forum notes. A quick trip to collect drugs from the chemist and tuna from the co-op, except they had none! The village has clearly gone into a tuna frenzy, or they are stock piling already. Dinner and another evening pinned to the sofa by the Umbrella Academy until I find myself abandoning the blog as I realise the Tesco order has to be amended before the deadline. Dentist tomorrow for a filing, so I am not hopeful of a fun day.