DVT (deep vein thrombosis) DAY 28

A.G.A.I.G. DAY 13

I get up and find it is sunny and head for the garden. I grab a coffee and open the temporary greenhouse. Breakfast if muesli eaten while I gently oscillate on the garden swing. My partner and I chat about how things are going and our survival plan for the coming weeks. At the moment we are managing and now we can get food delivered we should be alright I the short t medium term. The longer term will depend on the length of the virus peak and how it whether there are resurgences in specific areas or generally. We just need to stay aware and pan accordingly. I do some more internet shopping and finally buy a weights bench on e-bay, so in a couple of weeks I shall be able to train properly and protect my body over time. I was pleased to find what I wanted as it appears the whole world is buying training benches and many suppliers have sold out. So all over the country people must be setting up their own gyms in the garage or whatever space they can clear in their home to be able to keep fit. Late in the day I get an e-mail from e-bay to say they have withdrawn the seller form their service but I am not to do anything and to wait for my goods. Sounds to me like I have little chance of getting my goods and I will have to claim my money back. I shall just have to wait and see.

I retreat to the garden shed to write my daily letter. I am half way through the letter when I get a message from my son that he can take a zoom call. We finally connect and we get to talk for a long time. I get to see my grandchildren for the first time in a long time, which is delightful. My son describes what it is like in Sweden at the moment. They are just coming out of a long winter and the Swedes are wanting to be out and about. Everything is still open and there is free movement only the ex-pats from England are taking it seriously and staying at home. It would seem Sweden is in for a difficult time fairly soon. We eventually managed to get everyone in the households on the Zoom screen, which was a good experience and something we will do again soon.

Back to the shed to finish my letter and to close up the greenhouse. We prepare tea and eat it while watching TV before having an evening of more television. Tonight, there are chores to do, clear the kitchen, bring in the washing off the line and write the blog before I can get to bed and the excitement of tomorrows food delivery. Of course, there are drugs to be taken, there are always the drugs.  

2 thoughts on “AS GOOD AS IT GETS PHASE DAY 13

  1. Diane says:

    Good luck with your training, Roland. Any more thoughts on yoga – Down Dog online yoga was recommended in our Sunday newspaper.

    • prost8kancerman says:

      I ordered a weights bench and cleaned off my weights bars and weights. However my blood thinners are making me get tired quicker so I need to be careful and pace myself back in to a routine. I will look at Down Dog, it might be what I am looking for. Stay safe and well. See you on the other side!

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