A lateish start to the day but one that came with bacon, egg and bagel, a new low potassium breakfast. I spent time finding low potassium food charts and tables and putting them on the fridge. The whole process is quite depressing. I had hoped to find a decent phone App, but having looked a t few I decided to abandon the process. Below are a couple of posters I found and suck on the fridge.

Having depressed myself with how much is good for me that I dislike and do not eat I resorted to Amazon to order a couple of low potassium cook books. I would return to Amazon later for more essential goods. Having done all I could bare to do about food I checked my emails and found and e-letter from an old colleague and friend. It was a very chatty letter and a real pleasure to get. Read it slowly over an orange squash, as I had already had my one cup of coffee for the day. I am considering not having coffee early and to wait for the postman, that way of I get a letter I can read it over a coffee, which is a good way to respect a letter.
Time for an afternoon bath before the final football games of the season, much to be lost and won on this day and I will be able to watch one of the crucial games. Later my team Brentford play the first leg of a semi-final play off match to get into the premier league. Perhaps more of that latter.
The bath was run with bubbles and I clambered in taking my altitude training mask with me and a book. The one below that for some reason the parents of my youngest daughters boyfriend sent me. I read the chapter on prostate cancer of course.

The bath did two things, firstly the discovered need for a portable DAB radio so that I can listen to programmes in the bath, easily solved by a quick Amazon sorte, and second; the need to eat flax seeds. Apparently flax seeds are really good and have no potassium in them but also it has been shown to reduce cancer risk and slow cancer progression. Amazon are sending me a kilo which I shall consume as biscuits, smoothies and breakfast cereal. What was depressing was the overall consensus of opinion on all front that leafy green vegetables are good for you and that a plant based diet is good for you all round. I hate leafy vegetables and plant type foods so its not an appealing prospect to radically change my diet. All this research, reading and Amazoning was done while wearing my altitude training whilst slowly jogging horizontally in the bath. Well at least the first 20 minutes. Most of the research in the chapter that I was reading also noted that exercise has a profound effect as well. At least I got that right.
Football came and went as did dinner so now, having cleared the kitchen I write the blog as a distraction from thinking about how Brentford are doing as their match is nowhere on TV that I can get. It half time and no score.