Late last night I read the Amazon reviews of Haribo sugarless Gummy Bears and cried with laughter on the sofa. I cannot account for my sense of hilarity or the school boy nature of the humour but it hit just the right spot after a day during which I felt tired, under the weather and pissed off. This was just the lift I needed and went to bed much uplifted.

Just open the link below and then the link in the post. Or you could search google for Amazon reviews of gummy bears.
I woke this morning still smiling from the previous evenings fun. Back in the real world I made breakfast and started to review some enabling environment work. What started as a routine task turned in to a mornings work. A quick lunch and I was into back to back Zoom meetings, the first a stimulating open forum for therapeutic community staff, however the latter was an AGM of the British and Irish Group for the Study of Personality Disorder, affectionately known as bigspud, which was more business than excitement. The major issue being whether the reorganised 2021 conference will happen. It seems like it will depend on what sort of winter we have in relation to COVID. At times it felt like we were slipping into the “Game of Thrones”, winter is coming.
By late afternoon I was zoomed out and retreated to the shed and the exercise bike. I now put on my training mask for the first ten minutes to make my lungs work and then it was a flog for the rest of the session. I think it is beginning to make a difference to my fitness but I have a long way to go. Dinner followed by football. A terrible night for my team Brentford, who managed to throw away the opportunity for automatic promotion to the premier league. I write the blog and prepare for bed.