A.G.A.I.G. DAY 107

Today is a bit of a blur as it was a long writing session. With a deadline to meet on Friday I’ve spent the day trying to read stuff and write something clear and readable. That part is quite enjoyable but the bit I hate is doing the references. Of course during the day there were moments of light relief like an open forum to attend and the excitement of an Amazon parcel to open. As the day wore on and I got tired, the writing became more onerous. At the end of the day our new gardener turned up for his first two hours. I did the grand tour of the garden and then let him get on with it. Seemed strange to see some one new in the garden and not Brian our old gardener who died in January this year.

I find some time to frame one of my birthday presents so that it can join me in the shed. Its about time, which I find myself thinking about more often these days.

So here I am at the end of the day still thinking I need a holiday. Once I get through this current bout of work I intend to have some quality shed time. I increasingly realise I have a limited amount of energy to expend and need to manage it more mindfully in order to ensure I get the important things done. Its one of the reasons why the blog is shorter than it was as it is getting done as my days energy runs down.

A galaxy of my own