A.G.A.I.G. DAY 10

I am writing this at the end of what seems a long day. Having wrestled with a recalcitrant hard drive that refuses to play I am left frustrated and in need of some research time. However, I had the joy of a real letter dropping through the letter box. A letter written on beautiful paper and in a marvellous matching envelope was a joy to take to the shed to read. There really is nothing like a real letter to stop and savour. Every time I get a letter, I am prompted to renew my correspondence efforts and today was no exception. So today I have fulfilled my intention to write a letter a day. I also got a letter from an old colleague who has been reading my blog and could empathise over my aversion to injecting myself. Its good to know that someone else finds the process as aversive as I do. So on the basis of getting letters today was a very good day. It was also a friend birthday who is also isolated and not amused by having to spend her birthday at home. A bright shiny home as she has cleaned everything that moves. I guess this is true for many others as well.

The rest of my time has been spent talking to colleagues about constructing and offering reflective spaces to service mangers in the criminal justice system. Out of that has come an evening of work drafting notes and thinking about an approach to the project. In essence it is quite exciting to be thinking about something new and hopefully useful. There are also the practical matters of keeping the basics of the business end of the activity going, so tonight I also spent time drawing up my invoices for March. Very soon the tax man is going to be asking me for a self-assessment. Death and taxes guaranteed. So tomorrow I have a round of phone calls to make before I get into my first meeting of the day. So sleep is my priority right now as I can feel myself flagging.

Spring is on the way.