Tuesday and I wake up feeling groggy, it’s not unusual as my meds tend to do this to me over night. So I get up slowly and have breakfast and settle into my life admin. I finally get through to the Urology appointment line and cancel my Urology assessment, It would appear that the GP has ignored my oncology consultant or the consultant letter to the GP arrived after the GP referred me. After a brief conversation with the receptionist we decide that they should just discharge me. I then set about looking for the company that made my seal ring. I find their website and send them an email with a photo of the original impression that came with my ring. I hunt through my old emails and find the original invoice and ring specifications so I forward those to the makers. I discover that the ring was first ordered in October 2012, so I managed to hold onto it for almost 10 years.

Having sent the email I retreat to the Shed and write letters. It feels odd writing them and knowing I could not seal them as I usually do. I write until lunchtime when my partner cooks me a bacon sandwich. We watch some of the Commonwealth games and then I go back to the Shed. After a while its time for me to get myself up for training. Its not easy, I’m finding it difficult to get myself motivated at the moment. I remind myself that endorphins are good for me and that vigorous exercise is the one thing I can do for myself in my battle against the cancer. I hate it really and resent the fact that I cannot stop, never take time off as, as I have said before, cancer never takes a day off. It is remorseless and unrelenting and I have to be to. It is my only option based in any science or rationale argument. I am aware that at times others around me pay the price as at times I have no energy left for the niceties, especially when people ask how I am. Anyway I get into my kit and go to the garage. I strap into the rower and set it up for an hour at my lower resistance. The idea is to do a steady hour to burn off fat, and I’ve got lots to burn. Its a tough session, my legs complain and the vest rubs the tops of my arms, but hey that’s how it is. It turns out to be a good session in terms of metres rowed and calories burnt.

For an easy session it turns out well.

I finish the session and recorded it straight away before getting my kit off and cooling down. It takes a while and a cold 0% alcohol beer to get cooled down enough to get into some clothes and go and feed the Hedgehog. My partner goes out for dinner which is when I discover I do not know where the second set of car keys are for her car, which means I cannot put the bins out. I have tea, watch some Lucifer and Commonwealth games athletics. I check my emails and find a reply from the ring makers. They have found my original specifications and have quoted me a price for a new identical ring. The price in ten years has increased by 50%. It was an indulgence the first time but will be even more so if I decide to reorder. In all honesty the experience of loosing the ring has been interesting and made me realise how much a part of me it is. I guess I will be ordering. I draft the blog and when my partner returns I put the bins out. So the evening will end with a little more TV and perhaps a read and of course my meds.

Survive = have fun