Thursday and after a disturbed night I get up and revive myself with coffee. I set about the cooking bacon and egg breakfast I promised myself last night. I decided that I was not getting enough protein so decided that I would have a solid protein breakfast for a change from my usual muesli. I really enjoyed the change. Having done that I clear the kitchen, clean the microwave and sort out a present for my sister whose birthday is on Saturday. I read a message from the family that we are in contact with in Shri Lanka. Times are really difficult at the moment. COVID is rife, the economy has crashed and there are still stringent restrictions in place. Prices of everything have rocketed and tourism has just dropped away. The family are struggling to survive and the father is now ill with COVID. Normally he is a fisherman but when he can he takes jobs in construction or anything he can get. Work has run out and things sound as if the family are having a hard time. I send a small amount to them hoping it helps a bit.

I take a few minutes to draft the blog and the retreat to the Shed. Its time to start to prepare the Hotel and Restaurant poem collection. Rather than editing poetry I find myself writing more letters and then feeding the hedgehog. My partner goes off to see her mother telling me as she goes that we have yet another pile of cat vomit on the garden path. Another of those unwanted interruptions in the sooth passage of life. I dutiful clear it away and continue with my day. I take in my washing and discover my new book has arrived. A friend recommended The Appeal by Janice Hallett so I bought it. I spend a few minutes starting to read it and find the format really interesting, in fact I think I am pretty hooked.

This is in a really interesting format.

I close up the Shed and take a walk over to the post box to send my letters on their way and return to a combination of The Appeal and Wimbledon. Its an addictive combination and I am unable to drag myself away till almost quarter past four when I talk myself into going to the garage to train. I have ideas about doing an hour and upping the resistance level but I listen to my body and dial in 30 minutes at the lower resistance level. However I increase my effort and stroke rate with the result that the half hour is a well spent one. Being able to maintain a faster stroke rate for the whole time is a sign of progress. It means I manage over a 1000 stokes and burn almost 500 calories, that’s more like it.

Yes this is more like it.

I return to the sofa to check Wimbledon and record my session. I change into evening relaxation clothes and draft more of the blog before settling into an evening of reading, the Lincoln Lawyer and Lucifer.

In Chinese water also means benevolence.