Wednesday and I wake early to take my meds adn what I thought was my last antibiotic tablet, until I found two more in the packet, so at least today is the last day of taking them. I do a few puzzles as I wait for my lateral flow test to do its magic. Will I be a continuing leper or will I have a foot on the road to recovery?

Ta Da! Leper no more.

I get up and make honied toast and coffee, which I eat on the patio and contemplate what I am going to do today. I open up the greenhouse and the Shed and then start to write letters. I am still catching up with my correspondence and as I do so I find myself writing about my transition and the plans. It turns out to be a useful thing to be doing. During the morning a card arrives for me from a friend who has sent me a re-retirement message. It is off one of my favourite writers, Virginia Woolf. I frame it and place it amongst my Shed gallery.

My new addition to the gallery.

In the course of my letter writing I find myself doing an audit of my leisure, amusement and activity assets. It is these after all that will be my resources to fill my days. I find I am rich in resources as a result of years of work and accumulating the things and materials that interest me. I find I have loads of art stuff, jewellery casting wax and tools, musical instruments, books, IT toys, music library, a garden full of work to be done, I’ve a jacket pattern to make, people to write to and a life’s worth of poetry to fuel the poetry coyote. I also have a gym in the garage and a huge amount of tools. I am indeed rich. I also have the blog and a YouTube channel to feed. What comes to me strongly is my need to stop watching so much TV in the evenings. At the moment when I run out of spoons it is the easy option but I have a gut feeling that I need to be more selective in my use of TV. Tonight of course there is the Great British Sewing Bee and the rest of Stranger things to watch but I think that is not too much. What I need to stop doing is “grazing” the channels because its a habit or I’m too tired or lazy to do something else. So there it is the unintended outcome of writing letters.

I eat lunch as my partner joins me in the garden. I continue to write in the Shed but at some point we decide to see if we can get a peek of the hedgehog in the greenhouse. I carefully uncover what I thought was just a pile of leaves to discover a well built nest, which I have not got the heart to disrupt. It is a small wonder and leave it well alone.

The home of my hedgehog

I put the plastic sack back over it and leave my nocturnal loner in peace. My partner and I walk to the GP surgery where, after a bit of toing and froing I collect her sick note from the receptionist. I post my letters and I drop into the chemist to pick up my partners prescription, it is not there, but my monthly order is there. We return home and I am about out of spoons. I go to the Shed where I unpack a new set of Bluetooth ear buds that are adapted for runners and pair them with my phone. It is a step towards beginning the hard road back to physical fitness. I have enough spoons left to feed the hedgehog and close up the Shed. While my partner magics tea I start to draft the blog. I suspect I shall slip in to evening and bump in to the GBSB and then its anyone’s guess.

The out look is getting brighter.