Its Thursday and I am spoonless. I finally gave up and went to bed at 2 o’clock. As I said in yesterdays blog my partner and I were waiting for the doctor to call my partner. At about 6 o’clock she did. She got me to do a new set of NEWS 2 and was disturbed by some of it. She was going to seek an admission at a local hospital. When she rang back it turns out the only alternative was to go to A&E at the big city hospital. She also suggested that waiting for an ambulance would take hours, could we manage ourselves. Options? Me drive or an Uber. I was in no condition to drive so I ordered an Uber. We get ourselves ready and meet the Uber masked up with an overnight bag just in case. I know before I go that I cannot stay, which makes it feel like an even shittier deal for everyone. We get to A&E, the taxi waits and we go in. My partner gets booked in and as soon as they know we are both COVID positive they put my partner in a side room and I get ushered out to the taxi. I get home and clear up, feed the hedgehog, fill the squirrel feeders and try to keep busy. I field messages from family and a phone call from my youngest daughter. My eldest daughter is away tonight so I am on my own with this. By 11 o’clock they still had not taken the bloods they needed to do the tests. I stay up till 2am hoping that my partner would be allowed home. No joy. In the end I go to bed dressed just in case, but there is nothing.

Thursday morning I wake at 5 o’clock and check my phone, no messages. I get a message at 6:45 saying that they are still waiting for the blood results. I just have to wait, my partner must be feeling terrible, isolated with no or little access to anything. I make toast and coffee, take my meds and do a couple of puzzles. I decide to draft a bit of a blog, which I can update over the day. I need to duck out of a planned 9am work meeting and try to tidy the post holiday debris and sort the bedrooms out where we have both been isolating , they look like Tracey Emin art works. So onwards as I wait for news and get to know what I need to do for the rest of the day.

More to come…

It is good new, my partner has been released and sent home to serve the rest of her COVID sentence under house arrested. There will be an out patient referral to check one or two thing post COVID but in general all is good. So arriving back by taxi the priority was tea and marmalade bagel and time to sit and be back home. I suspect there is going to be napping in the near future.