Saturday, I wake to find gifts of teas and bath bombs from a friend. A good way to start the day and much appreciated. My first job is to find my sister’s ward at the hospital. I ring and unlike last night I get straight through and ascertain her ward and talk to her nurse. I later found out she is in a room of her own, I suspect she is being isolated as a precaution until they ascertain her COVID status. The nurse says she was admitted to the ward at 5am, which means she spent almost 12 hours in emergency. I share her location and the ward number with the neighbours and indicate that I am more than happy for people to visit her.
There is practical stuff to do while my partner goes to the gym but we manage to watch the second half of a rugby game together later. I train on the rower in the garage for the first time since 11th of March. It was hard but I managed to finish the session.

My partner makes tea and the family settle down to watch a film for the evening. I watch the football highlights adn go to bed. Tomorrow we are driving down to my sisters house to make sure it is secure and to tidy up after the hurried departure.
Sunday we drive to London in good time and get in to my sisters house. My partner, eldest daughter and I set to and clean, tidy and organise some of the house. Where the police broke in the glass from the back door was still strewn all over the kitchen floor. We beavered away for several hours filling the bins, changing bedding and clearing the decks a bit so there was room to move. By early afternoon we had run out of bags and to be frank energy. We packed away locked up and said farewell to the neighbours. The drive back was slow due to at least two accidents on the way. We stopped for a break once we got to Northampton and then continued home. We had coffee, I fed the hedgehog and uncovered the garden furniture so we could sit outside for coffee. My partner went for a well earned bat h while I and my eldest daughter ordered take away as no one could face cooking. As we wait I draft the blog. Tomorrow is injection day so it will be paracetamol and bed for me.