Saturday and I wake up lazy in the hotel. Its a slow start to the day as my partner and I make our way to breakfast. We find our selves a table in the foresters court room and tuck into a big breakfast that included fried bread. Neither of us had seen fried bread for years. The meal dawdles along until we get a message from our youngest daughter asking if we are still alive!

We shift ourselves and go and visit them. Its time to laze and catch up. There are pond issues to debate and lunch sandwiches to be had. In the afternoon we all return to the hotel and sit in there garden and drink in their garden. The rose wine flows and we wonder at the number of lotus cars parked up in the car park, there is clearly a club meeting going on. The forest surrounds everything here, an old and rocky forest.

Our daughter returns home with her partner to get ready to go out for a meal later, we return to our room to nap and watch the end of the cup semi final.
The early evening arrives and we get picked up by our daughter and drive off to a pub in the forest for our evening meal. I rare chance to indulge in a steak and Welsh Gold. The later being honeycomb ice cream, which was delicious. It is a luxury to be cooked for and for food to magically appear and the washing up never to be an issue. We take our time and chat until its time to be dropped back at the hotel. We settle down for a bit of TV and an early night.
Sunday rocks up and both my partner and I are feeling pretty crap, not sure why, whether it was something we ate or just one of those night we are not sure. Not an ideal way to be when away but we rally ourselves and decide to have a good old fashion soak in the bath to ease ourselves. It seems to work quite well and we make our way down to breakfast. I cannot face the fried stuff and stick to cereals and toast. Again we take our time before returning to the room to collect the remaining bags, having dropped most of them in the car on the way to breakfast. We pay our bill and go off to our daughters. Having arrived I presented my partner and my daughter with their Easter eggs. I had managed to smuggle the Bettys delivery into home and then wrap them for presentation today. We sip coffee and look at some of the family memories that have been captured as calendars whilst using this years to plan future weekends, including our village heritage weekend in July. At lunch time it time to leave and drive home. The journey is a dream. Clear roads, no accidents, no road works, the issues will be tomorrow.
Home and there is the unpacking to do and the usual post break chores to do. My washing goes in and we indulge in coffee and iced buns for lunch. Time for me to have a post driving nap. I watch the second cup semi final and then we proceed to watch a procession of TV Easter goodies until we eat and while the evening away. I toy with the idea of doing my blood type test that has arrived, an order prompted by a conversation about what blood type we all are with my daughter. I decide tomorrow will do. I’m tired and go to bed.
Monday, again we both wake up feeling less than chipper. I get up and hang my washing out, the cheap option, and then make drinks, returning to the bedroom to deliver them. We chat for a while and bemoan how crap it is feeling like this. We get up and breakfast. at this point I rouse myself and get out into the garden having set myself the goal of tidying the pond. I set to clearing away weed, dead leaves and removing the netting. It goes quite well and at least four frogs put in an appearance along with a large glob of frog spawn. It looks a little sparse at the finish but ultimately it will be a more healthy eco system. At least that’s what I think but I guess the frogs wil be the ultimate judges of that.

Garden job done I turn my attention to the blog. I have a problem the laptop I usually use has suddenly become the ultimate sloth of the laptop world. I try the usual magic tricks to no avail so have to swap to another machine. The intention is to catch up on the blog and then prepare for going back to work tomorrow. I have a lot to catch up on having been ill and then away on holiday. However this time has reinforced my decision to stop working. I need the time to train, which I now haven’t done for five days and I need my vigorous exercise, its another form of medicine. I go on a search for my blood donor card, which I am sure I have tucked away somewhere. After some ferreting around I find it. I find out my blood type and the fact that I gave blood once a very long time again. Apparently about 33% of the population are fellow A RH Positive. Thankfully I am easy to transfuse, except in Jamaica of course who would not give me any.

I work towards the evening and might just talk myself into an half hour row, we shall see. I didn’t, I watched Villanelle die.