Friday and that bastard Putin invades the Ukraine. It seems every generation has to have its power crazed psychopath dictator with all the attendant paranoia and messianic complex. Not to mention the maladaptive destruction and suffering it brings. Of course life goes on which is why I am in front of my laptop at 9 o’clock for a work meeting. It goes on beyond its time and then I spend time chatting to a colleague about all things European football and future of work. Its lunch time by the time we get through talking and I have the chance to eat.
I do some admin work and then before my energy and motivation drains away I get myself into the garage to row for an hour. Its a while since I have rowed for an hour and it starts out as a real effort but eases as I get into a rhythm. It goes better than expected and end up quite close to my personal best.

I can feel my body complaining at the effort that I have just put in, especially my back. so I take myself to a hot bath embellished with a bath bomb from my collection.

I eat my favourite Thursday meal of tuna pasta and then settle in to watch Leicester beat Randers before moving onto the Rangers match. My work colleague who is a Rangers fan will have been over the moon as they get a 2 all draw with the German favourites which means the Germans go out of the competition. I meander towards bed losing energy all the time, there is not enough energy to be doing the blog, it wil have to wait.
Friday, a non work day. Putin loses it and thinks the Ukrainians are Nazis and calls upon the Ukrainian forces to commit treason adn turn on their government. Just how deluded is this man, very is the answer. I have a light breakfast and head for the gym. I get my usual bottle of water and get myself a cross trainer, turn up Rammstein to full volume and grind out an hour. My legs complain but I get through 705 calories and go 7.67 kilometres. Its an average session but good for an end of week effort. I do a few repetitions on some of the weight machines and then have a long shower. I sit in the gym lounge and drink coffee and eat a couple of bacon brioche buns. The chairs are comfortable and my back does not ache so I am tempted to linger. I do in fact linger and message several people. I notice that some people are sitting with their laptops and idly tapping away. I note this and think I might do this at some point. I return home and my partner and I walk down to the village so that I can collect my drugs, in particular my injection for Monday. Yep its that weekend of pre-emptive paracetamol.
The evening comes and is mostly TV until I get to the blog both depressed and incensed by the war in the Ukraine. Sprinkled through the last two days have been conversations with friends and family over WhatsApp and email. It is these that add the sense of connectedness with a wider world, it helps to fill the gap of not getting to the Shed to write letters. Hopefully this will be one of the things to change when I rebalance work and life.