Saturday and its hot, not the extreme hot it is due to become over the next three days but still hot. As a result my partner and I go food shopping early at the garden centre and sort out a mail delivery at the local sorting office before breakfast. After that it is a day of lazing, pulled curtains and nibbling food. Most of the time is spent on the patio under the sun shade reading. The day gets hotter as it progresses so everyone lazes more. The evening is taken up with a meal and watching episodes of the Magicians. Of course during the day there are odd moments of activity like feeding the hedgehog and taking in the dry washing from the line, even the odd crossword but in general this was a physically inert day. I am aware of how easy it is to be irritated when overly hot so I try to be calm during the heat and try not to get pulled into being productive or feeling guilt that I am not doing anything. It is a time to be minimalist.

Sunday starts with a disaster. I weigh myself. I am 99 Kilos!! In two weeks (including a week on holiday) I have put on over 2 kilos. That is appalling and depressing almost despairing. It feels as if I have wasted the last three years in my fight to try and stay fit while fighting my cancer. It feels as if I have to start all over again but with a body less able to fight. To top it all tomorrow is injection Monday so I have a couple of days of taking paracetamol to ward of the after effects of the jab and then a few more walking around with a egg sized lump in my gut that is sore. But hey you say, your still alive, which is true and at which point I count my blessings. I am not in the Ukraine or Sri Lanka and as Cicero said “You want for nothing if you have a garden and a library” and I have both. As I was fond of saying to people who asked me how I was ” I am loved and cared about, who could want anything more?”

Today is already warming up and it is only 8 o’clock in the morning, I’m on the patio catching up with the blog while the house sleeps. I will do nothing today except read, eat and drink a great deal of water. I suspect there will be other things but I shall try to keep them to a minimum as I seriously start to sit out the predicted heat wave. Unless something of great magnitude happens or I have a sudden burst of inspiration I shall write no more today. Being cool and inert will receive my full attention for the next three days.