Friday and as treat I am brought a coffee in bed. I check my emails and messages and then get up and while away time till it will be possible walk down to the shop to get a paper and indulge in a village café breakfast. I finish the quick crossword before the breakfast arrives adn when it does its huge. I had forgotten just how expansive their English breakfast was. I eat my way through it as I do another puzzle. I idle over the food and the paper until its time for my first meeting of the day. I have just enough time to hang out the washing I put in earlier. It is my last meeting with my area contact and we decide how to tell the services that I am retiring and what the interim arrangements are going to be.

After the meeting I draft the notice and send it to the managers to edit and then send off. So another step on the way out and into my transition has been taken. I head for the Shed. I sit and write a letter. Once its finished I wander over to the post box and send it on its way. I return home and find my next Muriel Barbery book has arrived, title The Lives of Elves. I am hoping its not just a load of Hobbity tosh, but I think it unlikely. I settle in the Shed to read. After a while I am moved to write another letter, I had almost forgotten a friends birthday so I catch up with a letter. Again I take the trip to the post box. On my return I feed the hedgehog and water the pots at the front of the house. My washing is dry to I gather it up and put it away. I am now out of spoons and need to stop, its almost tea time and the family decide that as its national fish and chip day that we celebrate it appropriately. So while my partner and eldest daughter go to the chippy I start to draft the blog.

My back pain is back and has nagged me all day, I am hoping it will pass, so my evening will be lazy. I shall read and and maybe watch a rugby match.

See the source image