Wednesday and its off to the gym asap despite the crap weather and the rain. So after coffee and drugs I drive to the gym. A few sturdy souls are there already, mostly ageing blokes and younger women. I guess we are all avoiding something. Me? I am avoiding crowded changing rooms, intolerably mouthy macho blokes and sitting in my “Soffice” for a morning. My legs feel tired and I resort to a recumbent cycle thinking it would be easier on my back. I stop after 10 minutes intensely irritated by my stupidity. I had forgotten to strap my Fitbit to my trainers thereby losing steps to my step count. So I put my oversight right and continue to pedal for the rest of the hour. I eventually burn 568 calories over 22.89 kilometres. My body is not pleased when it finds the showers tepid, but it gets itself to the lounge for coffee and egg and bacon bun. I think I am becoming addicted to the gyms egg and bacon buns.
I get home, unpack my kit and make more coffee as I settle down to get ready for my work call at 2pm. The call comes and goes. It is productive and a while ago it would have kindled some fires of motivation in me but, nice as it was, the joy quotient was low. I follow up the call with some admin work and make up February’s invoice to send off. I’m still waiting for January’s to be paid, not an unusual wait. So I arrive at early evening with not a lot in my head except the vague thought that I miss the Shed, gardening and that there is more football on TV tonight. I am aware that I have not read anything for ages and that my pile of “waiting to be read ” books is now seven books tall. I’m beginning to think that I’m starving myself of stimulation and that can only lead to one thing; becoming a boring old fart. Now that’s something to be avoided, I would not like to think I am losing my curiosity.