Sunday and at some early point in the morning I wake up and go off to the bathroom for my early Sunday weigh in. Success I weigh in at 96.3 kilos a loss of 1.7 kilometres. I am pleased and feel gratified that the week of denial has payed off. I return to bed intending a brief snooze.

Eleven o’clock and I surface. That was not supposed to happen. I can hear my partner and eldest daughter talking to my youngest daughter on the tablet. I groggily get up and find my way to a coffee to revive me. I do not get into the call and move onto toast and marmalade. My desk organiser is falling to bits so I spend time gluing it back into shape. Another rescue done. My partner and I sit on the garden swing seat and chat and plan for the day and the rest of the week. We drive off to the garden centre to shop for vegetables and to use a credit coupon. So as my partner grabs delicatessen goods and veg I line up to pay for two packs of petunias. I am very pleasantly surprised once I get to the check out to find that al I need to pay is 30p. Now that was a result. We drive home to grab a quick lunch before going to the gym.

It is raining as we get to the gym. We get water and head for the gym floor. I get a cross trainer with a TV on it so I can continue to watch the women’s cup final. My favourite payer Mille Bright is immense in defence. I grind out an hour but the game still has not ended as its ended 2 all at full time. I finish my session not knowing the outcome. What I do know is that I have burnt 714 calories and gone 7.48 kilometres. I head for the showers and get myself to the lounge where my partner is waiting. We drive home and my partner starts the evening meal and I retreat to the sofa to start drafting the blog. I reflect on the conversation I have had with my son this morning. My granddaughter is improving in hospital but of course the parents are stretched in all directions. There is waiting to be done as the doctors continue to bide their time to see how the medication works. So we all sit and hope things go well with some reassurance that the doctors are clear in their diagnosis and intervention.

I suspect the evening is going to be short, it turns out to be a film and football.

Oh universe! Oh universe!