Thursday and I wake up at MB3 after a reasonable night. My fitness watch tells me that I slept 4 hours and 57 minutes but has me starting to sleep at 2am. This is not true has lost me at least 2 hours off my total. Nevertheless I still maintain a higher deep sleep ratio than the average. I am usually in deep sleep between a third and half the time whereas the average is about 20%. Clearly my brain is getting a good clear out each night as research shows that in deep sleep the chambers of the brain open up and are flushed through by the various cranial fluids. I like to think that the sewers of my brain are cleanly flushed each night.
I pack and tidy my room before going over to the main centre where I make coffee and finish the blog of the two previous days by adding some pictures and then posting it. Breakfast of toast follows before my 9 o’clock Teams meeting. I do the meeting which is relatively short and not with much content of weight. I finish, pack my backpack and say farewell to the director of the space. I drive home in sunshine.
Once home I unpack straight away and set about doing some jobs. I feed the hedgehog and find that the heater has been left on in the Shed since Tuesday. Its never simple is it. Try to cut back and shot self in the foot, arsehole! Alongside this I unplug the recalled power reducers as they have been recalled as dangerous. I pack them up ready to go back to Amazon. Once again I try to reduce our energy bills and get thwarted. I have lunch and then go to our local Wickes to buy a spare door bell for London and some batteries for the old one. On the way back I top up the car and lay in fresh water and wine gums for the car. Tomorrow I go to London to oversee new locks being put in. I eat tea and decide that I need a restorative bath. I draw the bath and indulge myself with not one but two happy hippo bath bombs. I wallowed in purple warm water with my bath candles alight on the side table. It was a delicious hour. I get out and settle down on the sofa to watch Rangers play RB Leipzig. Just before it starts my sisters neighbour rings me to tell me that he is going away for a week as from tomorrow. I told him I was coming to London tomorrow to sort out the new locks and would leave him a new key before I return home. I watch the game. Its a good game and Rangers win taking a place in the final. By the end of the match its time to draft the blog and get myself to bed, it will be an early start tomorrow.