Tuesday an exciting day to start with as I am in front of the laptop and talking to a team in Australia who are bidding to build and put in place a therapeutic Community. Its a stimulating conversation and it was particularly good to see some colleagues on the call. For the first time in ages I walk to the village shop, buy a paper and stop off in the café for a bacon and sausage. When I get home my partner is still experiencing pain in her arm so she cancels work for the afternoon and we set off to Leicester Royal Infirmary A & E. Its was an experience. Long waiting times, packed rooms, the odd person queue jumping by collapsing in the waiting room, hats off to that person. At some point I was not allowed to accompany my partner so I wandered the hospital, snacking at various points. At last it was off to the x-ray department. A brief wait and then it was back the tent, yes tent, in the car park. Good news, no breaks, no chips and no cracks. So we had established that it is tissue damage, we can deal with that. We drive home.
Back home there is time to write a card to my sister and get it posted, feed the hedgehog, clear the kitchen and get the bins out and then its time to draft the blog. I’ve still got a to do list untouched but it will have to wait as I work my way through the priorities. What I’ve not shared is the lovely card I got from a friend I sent The Little Prince to. It is a lovely picture so I share it here.

I note along the way that life is being a challenge at the moment with an awful lot going on for family and friends. It seems that everyone has their plates full at the moment. Interestingly when there is so much going on the blog is getting briefer a sure sign that my energy is lower than usual. I guess the temptation is to withdraw and minimise engagement but I think that is not the best way to go. So I shall try and give the blog more attention.