Monday and I get up to toast and coffee before trotting down to the GP to get my monthly injection. It goes reasonably well and I collect a paper on the walk back home. I do the cross words and then go shopping for window lock keys and the things that Tesco tell me they are not delivering. I indulge in a bacon and sausage sandwich before returning home. There is a curtain rail to put back up, and my sister needs a radio and some art books sent to her, and I hoover through the house while my washing gets done. All in all its a busy day. I train on the rower for half and hour, it goes reasonably well.

I take a long bath and try to ease out my aches. The evening is food and then TV. I am tired and sore from the injection. I draft the blog, briefly as tomorrow I have a Zoom call with a team in Australia about prison therapeutic communities early in the morning, now that could be fun.