Sunday, a lazy Sunday of mixed activity and achievements. There is, of course, coffee to start with and then a leisurely breakfast. We try to ring our youngest daughter but to no avail so we move into Sunday chore mode. I get called to mend the washing line that has failed. Job done I start to prepare to mend a dripping tap. I source the tools, watch the appropriate instructional video and begin the initial preparation. Firstly I need to turn the water off. I look under the sink and locate what I think is a close off valve. I turn it and find water leak from it. That’s not supposed to happen, I quickly reverse my actions. This means turning off the water at the stop cock. One small problem, the washing machine is running. I abort the mission and focus on the required vegetable shopping.
My partner and I drive to the garden centre and stock up on vegetables. It at least gets us out for a while. We return and I settle down to watch Leicester tigers beat a French team in the European cup quarter final. Its a good game. During this time my Amazon delivery arrives, my new desk organiser that I am hoping will clear the end of my “soffice”. It is a flat pack job that requires assembly. Fortunately being part octopus I manage the juggle required to bring all the parts together. Its not Chippendale but it is functional and forces me to sort the pile of papers that has accumulated.

So the evening starts with pie and moves on to TV and blog drafting although we do manage to make contact with our youngest and chat for a while. As we are visiting her next weekend we organise dining for the two nights we are there, then its back to blogging and TV mysteries. I have of course replenished the hedgehogs canteen today already. If I am lucky I might get to the football and see my team “The mighty Brentford” beat West Ham. Tomorrow I shall try to restart my routine with a trip to the gym.