Wednesday, I’m up and breakfasted quite early for me. Today is a day to fill the drugs wallets for the next two weeks. It is a regular ritual that is a marker in my monthly cancer management regime. By late morning I am ready to go to the gym, my first time for 14 days that I have been well enough to train. At the gym I get my usual large bottle of water, get changed and find a cross trainer. I optimistically set the trainer up for an hour at my usual resistance level and set off thinking that I will do well to do half the time. I take it easy but as time goes on I loosen up and I am not as out of breathe as I expected to be. To my surprise I manage the full hour and the bonus is that I burn off 703 calories and manage 7.57 kilometres. This is far better than I expected. I shower and hit the lounge for a couple of coffees and egg and bacon rolls. As I indulge a friend calls. She has been to visit her old horse and is on her way to her second coffee and cake engagement of the day. She chats about her improving golf game and the balance to be had between family and golf. I finish my coffee and leave the gym.
On the drive home I stop at the garage and fill the car as I am down to my last 30 miles. My full tank costs me £65! I will not be going anywhere too soon and if I do it is going to be pre-planned well. I drive home, fill my washers, bring in the bin and set off to the garden to feed the hedge hog to find the shed door propped open. The guy who helps with the garden has turned up unnoticed by me. I switch into tea making mode and go for a chat with him in the front garden. I top up the hedgehog canteen and then hang my washing on the airer to dry. Its time for my nap, my new regular afternoon habit. I hit the bedroom and command “Alexa wake me up in thirty minutes”, and she does, but I cheat and have a bit of a lay in. By the time I am up and functioning again garden guy has gone and I set about cancelling my direct debits for the rugby season tickets. We have not been for a while and the season is closing soon, besides which the saving will go a long way to of set the increase in our energy bills. We eat tea and watch a combination of NCIS, Designer competition and football. My pixies are feeling quite active again and I discover that they experience “synaptic itch” where they scratch each others heads as they think through tasks together. Its amazing what goes on in my head. I draft the blog and prepare to get myself to bed, drugs and sleep.