Sunday and I wake up in Buxton. Our final day of our weekend break. We have pack and then go for breakfast. Its easy to sit and relax and let breakfast meander by. Its a bright spring morning and we listen to others conversations around us. We have a plan. Pack, check out, pack car and then walk into town to shop for last minute goodies. Our plan goes well. We walk down into Buxton and find the Buxton Pudding company where we load up with puddings, chocolate, tipsy fruit cake and stem ginger. Then we step across the road tp the spring house and buy some more water from the shop there. One fills ones own bottles adn then pay fro the bottles. Once you have a bottle you can have as much free water as you like. The Buxton spring is famous and has a well space where “water women” would administer water to those visitors who sort the water for its “medicinal” properties.

We gather up our plunder and return to the car, load up and drive home. My Satnav decides not to reverse the route by which we came but selects another more meandering route. We finally get home, unpack, unwind and settle down to a warm drink and hot cross bun. My first job is to check the hedgehog canteen. Sure enough nearly all the food has gone so I clear out the canteen and refill the bowls for the night to come. I check the camera and apart from the usual pigeons, squirrels, birds and cats there is a surprise. Our hedgehog has a visitor!

I guess hedgehogs have to find each other in spring if there are to be Urchins to grow into new hogs. The “friend” does not appear to have turned up again yet but maybe they are an opportunistic species. Of course they maybe the same sex, in which case Urchins will not be an outcome. I go through my usual process of downloading the images and putting them in chronological folders. While doing this I came across a picture of one of the visiting cats who it appears is on its own evolutionary trip.

I return the camera to its position and set it off. I will check it again midweek, hoping to see more hedgehog gatherings and the further upright development of cat kind. No sign of the fox this week. I let myself have the luxury of watching a rugby match and answer one or two messages. Now its time for my nap. This is my new insertion into my day, a one half hour nap between 1pm and 4pm roughly. I’ve adopted this since watching the Horizon program which showed athletes now incorporating a nap into there day as it increases the big slow wave activity of the brain. This is considered a good a thing. I nap and soon after there is tuna pasta to eat and a blog to begin to draft. Tonight is the last ever Peaky Blinders, so of course I will be glued to it. I am beginning to feel much better from how I was last week end, my cold is abating and I need to start to train again or at least get into the steam room at the gym, but tonight its Peaky time.