Friday and its a leisurely start to a day that is going to be full of traveling. It starts with a cereal breakfast and to my delight the hedgehog food order arrives. I check how my hog has fed during the night and find cleared dishes. Without any hesitation I replenish the bowls with enough, hopefully, to keep the hog going till Sunday. I down my drugs and pack for a couple of nights away.
After a brief lunch we drive off to Buxton. Its an easy drive and we arrive safely and quickly at the hotel where we check in and head out to the excitements of Buxton. Our excitement consisted of hot chocolate and cheese scones in a small but very Ah La coffee shop. It sits opposite the Opera House that we are attending tomorrow, so in effect this was a dry run for tomorrow. We plod back up the hill to the hotel and I settle down for a nap. Since watching Horizon yesterday I am instituting a 30 minute nap between 1 and 4pm each day. It is good for my slow wave production.
I wake from my nap and get ready to take my partner to the bar for a pre dinner drink. We settle in to two big soft armchairs looking out over the local bowls club lawns. We listen to a loud voiced woman taking about “tell us once” systems and how this is needed for the Ukrainian refugees. The bloke she is talking to is impressing her with his and his colleagues efforts to get Ukrainian teachers out of the Ukraine. She is impressed and gives him her number. My partner and I get up to go into the restaurant when my partner nudges and and says “Isn’t the woman who was shagging John Major?” Well lo and behold there was Edwina Curry. Now that was unexpected on a trip to Buxton, but a quick google shows she lives nearby. The following three course meal was much enlivened by the encounter with jokes about bad eggs. A good protein full meal that was washed down with coffee before retreating to the room to watch Have I got News for You. Well that was the plan till the bloody TV would not work. Reception said try it on the internet, it would not connect so we watch HIGNFY on the i-pad. And so to bed after drafting the blog. Doing it on the road is always confining I think, so I always feel I ‘ve short changed anyone who has read the the blog so I make a mental note tonight to be attentive to morrow and put in lots of pictures of our Opera House adventure.