Wednesday and I am up and into my shorts for an early coffee. I had hoped to get to the gym as soon as possible but some work emails came in and I needed to respond to them, so I get to go to the gym later than planned. I arrive to an almost empty gym apart from one spin class taking place. I pick a favourite cross trainer and churn out an hour as my legs are still feeling yesterdays efforts. I get to burn 722 calories and go 7.86 kilometres. A warm shower and I am in the lounge with a large coffee and an egg and bacon roll. I drive home filling the car with petrol, about an hour before the chancellor reduces the price by 5 pence a litre. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Once home I .settle down to a work meeting on Teams. I do my best to be engaged but it is a stretch when others are just turning into white buttons. I’ve said it before, its like going to a meeting with a paper bag over your head. At the end of the meeting I retreat to the garden and spend time on the swing seat with a coffee and a bun. A friend rings and we try to have a conversation but the signal is so poor we give up. I spend some time contemplating my Buddha head in the evening sunshine. The smile is intriguing.

I top up the hedgehog food and then go indoors for the evening noting the way spring is blooming in the sunshine.

The evening sees another episode of the Last Kingdom watched and then I have the luxury of having my hair braided. As my hair grows the possibilities of more complicated braiding become more numerous. I am hoping that eventually I will settle on a signature braid.

Part of my evening is spent getting the cameras ready to take away at the week end. I and my partner are going to a lodge in the woods where we hope to get some good pictures of nature. I find that the battery packs are not as good as they were and order some replacements to arrive tomorrow. My “soffice” is now a tangle of leads, plugs and adapters as I try to get everything up to speed for the break. In the background the TV continues to chatter about the chancellors spring statement and the Taliban deciding not to allow the reopening of secondary schooling for women. The Ukraine is now down the batting order but the news is no less distressing and enraging. I will go to my bed still wondering what else I can do. More prosaically, I have a work meeting to attend at 9 o’clock in the morning.