Tuesday and I wake from a really crap night. For the first time in a long time I decamped to the spare bedroom in order to get to sleep. The new meds obviously work their magic in the night but I wake unrested with a disturbed gut and feeling a bit like the bottom of a birdcage. It takes me time to get going. I get myself coffee and toast before getting in front of my laptop for my work 1 to 1. It goes smoothly, although I am not sure I was that coherent. After the meeting I pick up the admin aftermath and catch up with some organising of future travel and hotels. I do a bit of Easter preparation and then its time to go for a lunch time walk with my partner. We take a turn around the village and return for a light lunch.
Its gym time. I head for the gym feeling distinctly still off it. I get to the gym floor, grab a cross trainer, switch Bet Midler on the i-player and get under way. As I churn out the effort I begin to feel better and the session goes fairly well. I end up feeling pretty good. I burn 727 calories and go 8.31 kilometres. So good in fact that I spend some time on the weights machines. Feeling mildly pumped I go for a shower. I get two looks of interest, the first is by a guy who is a bit confused by my long hair and the second who was clearly amused by my Hedgehog T shirt. I hit the lounge for a coffee and then drive home to put the bins out.
The evening consists of a meal and several episodes of the Last Kingdom. In the end I give it best and draft the blog before drugs and bed. All I want is a better nights sleep tonight and be able to get to the gym early in the morning before afternoon work meetings.