Monday and its Halloween, I wake up feeling decidedly “off”. I make breakfast and coffee and retreat to the Shed as quickly as possible. I spend all morning writing letters and messages. My partner goes off at lunchtime to do some shopping. On her return we lunch on soup and fresh sausage roll. It gives me a chance to read the two new letters that have arrived. A real luxury to have two letters in one day. I’ve struggled all morning with feeling unwell, energy low and I think anxious about tomorrow’s oncology review. My latest blood test results with the doubling of my PSA level have rattled me more than I realised.

I return to the Shed and continue to write and prepare messages. I recover some equilibrium and calm down a bit. I go to the post box and send the household letters on their way. Before closing up the Shed for the day I feed the hedgehog. It is already getting dark as the first day of winter daylight starts to fade. I change in to my comfortable all in one blanket and read the gas and electricity meters. I duly send the figures off via the phone app and note that we seem to have a very large sum in credit. I suspect that it will erode quickly over the next six months. The practicalities out of the way I give myself time to think about tomorrow’s oncology review. I write a list of items to share and to ask about. I suspect I will be listened to but at best I think they will agree to scan me again and see me in two months rather than four. It all depends on whether or not the team think they have any options left. When I was making my new training and diet journal, I was numbering the days to match the blog days but when I got to tomorrow, I stopped. It may be that I am about to enter a period of it not being “as good as it gets” and I may have another period of having my fingers crossed, or something else. So, tomorrows blog maybe titled differently.

My evening goes from the news to more rugby and drafting the blog, I shall hope for sleep tonight.

Message to self