Thursday and I wake feeling relatively chipper. I sit for a while and check my social media and messages and then make breakfast and coffee. Morning meds get taken and then I’m stuck. So when in doubt do the Tesco order, which I do knowing I will change it on Sunday. With that out of the way I go to Moonpig to order a card for my eldest grandchild. It’s difficult to know what sort of card to go for but in the end I settle on Dinosaurs and a suitably odd set of words in the card. I think he is the sort of chap that will appreciate a strange grandparent from another land given that he lives in Sweden.

I go out into the garden as I notice that a dahlia has flowered. It should not have, it should be over and done with like all the others. So I go out to chat to it and see what is going on. The garden is very still, strangely so, like the time before a storm but there is nothing like that forecast. It’s almost as if the garden is waiting for something. There are no birds and no bird sounds, the pond is still and there is no squirrel dashing around everythign is just standing there, silently. The sun shines ona garden holdng its breathe,and its no talking.

So alone and out of time

I check Fort Hog and give it a clean out. The food has gone again so I assume my hog is still hungry. I notice for the first time that the big leaves on the Acer tree are not falling and then I realise that my hog wil not hibernate untill there are the materials to build a snug nest for the winter. I replenich Fort Hog and then change into my training gear. I go to the garage and row for 45 minutes, the first time in a long time that I have gone beyond 30 minutes. I abandon my ear buds for my ipod so that Ican train with Rammstein in my ears, loudly. The 45 minutes fly by and I am pleased to burn more than 600 calories.

45 minutes made easier by Rammstein
For those not familiar. The driving rhythm is great to train to.

Back to earth with a lunchtime bowl of chicken soup and orange juice. Feeling a bit more my old self, I draft the blog early. There will be no post for me to look forward to as the postal workers have gone on strike so I make my own amusement. My grandson’s birthday present has arrived in time for his birthday, which is pleasing. All I need now is for his card to arrive as well. I finally get out of my training kit, make coffee and continue to read Getting Lost by Annie Ernaux. I continue to read until it’s time to eat and watch tonight’s football while my partner is having her singing lesson. It will be an early night, night meds and sleep are what I need. My injection site is still enlarged and sore, it drains me.

Time to keep warm, winter is coming