Wednesday and I wake up in the York hotel after a disrupted night, the meds again. I have an early coffee and shower and take my hair out of its braiding as it is beginning to unravel. It would seem that using a series of smaller tight braids works the best and as my hair gets longer it will be possible to keep it in longer. I have coffee and a basic breakfast, it is a dank and misty morning so I dawdle and indulge my morning before preparing to drive back to Leicester. I do not rush and try to take my time, being kind to myself. The drive back is in the rain and road spray but I make reasonable time.
Once home I unpack and survey the state of the bird feeders. Its now throwing it down with rain and shows no sign of stopping. Eventually I go to the post box to send the letter I wrote last night and while I am wrapped up in jackets I fill the squirrel feeder and the bird feeders. I check the hedgehog canteen and find the dishes empty so I replenish them and finally retreat to the house. I am tired now, the physicality of the day has caught up with me and I sink into an evening of food, football and finally the news broadcasts. The Ukraine of course dominates. I shall take my drugs and take to my bed.