Wednesday and I wake up feeling a little less snotty and have hopes for the day. I breakfast in my Gandolf blanket and watch the latest machinations of the Tory party conference. A coffee and a fried egg sandwich did nothing to make anything I saw and heard palatable. At times like the this the only place to be is in the Shed so I load up my office backpack and go to the Shed. There I stay all morning writing letters and reflecting on my current lack of inspiration. I stop for coffee and biscuits but still I lack verve and vision. Lunch is a dish of soup and the unexpected pleasure of post, which included a real letter. I retreat again to the Shed and read my letter at my leisure. It’s a good letter and I am moved to write a reply straight away. I beaver away until my pen and ink have nothing else to add. The rain lashes down and at one point I think I detect a leak in the roof of the Shed. It might be real or a result of the force of the rain. Whatever it is it will have to wait for dryer weather.

I gird up my loins and prepare to go to the post office to get stamps and realise that I promised to cook tonight’s meal. On looking in the fridge I found the options to be mince and fish cakes, neither of which I fancied. As life is too short I did a quick consultation of the household and agreed pizzas as an option. With the food politics done I go out to the post office to get stamps, vastly overpriced, and then walk to our local co-op for the pizzas. All goes to plan and I am back home to start the drafting of the blog and to receive the delivery of the parts I need t repair our water terrace. The top two sections have been cracked by dumb arse window cleaners using it to climb on the back roof to clean the windows. So I shall make the water terrace good and arm it with deterrents. First is the daily check on Fort Hog to see if the food is gone and to replenish if necessary. Providing this all goes well I’m in for an evening of European football and Dr Martin. I am acutely aware that I am edging towards another injection Monday and given the experience of the last one I am somewhat anxious about it. I realise that being anxious about it will not help but it is what it is.

Today’s handy domestic hint