Wednesday and a post euphoria waking. Yesterday was a good day and now the days ahead are to be focussed in and organised. The real world can feel dingy against the good days and sense of life. So today I get up for coffee, toast and chores. My pill boxes are empty so I perform my fortnightly ritual of filling the racks of day boxes. It jogs my memory, so I order my next prescriptions for Mondays injection. I tidy the kitchen and load Daisy dishwasher. I take time to have another coffee and read a letter from a friend that arrived yesterday. It is a thought provoking letter and raise issues about my relationship with cancer and the balance to be had between acknowledging the reality of it and not becoming it. Its time to sort out the squirrel feeder. What ever broke into it did a good job, I suspect a particularly muscular wood pigeon.

I put the squirrel feeder right and re fill it By the afternoon Squishy adn Squashy have found their way back to their treasure trove. They really love the raw peanuts that go into the mix. I take a quick trip round the back garden and note just how much is coming up and flowering, spring is truly burgeoning.

I turn my attention to the training session I am due to run in the afternoon. I have several goes at getting my screen to share with no luck at all. My partner patently assists me but we hit a wall. I email the presentations to the probation administrator, who does nothing with them. I give in and eat a fried egg sandwich, my go to “I’m pissed off” food. A friend rings as she delivers food to a very new mum and baby. We chat for the journey until she arrives when we go our different ways.
I go to my training session to find just two people there. Well I dump the demanding IT material stuff and settle into a guided discussion with them based on the standards to be covered. It turns out well and we all discover new things. That’s real work, creative and adaptive. I lay out my training kit but before anything can happen my partner and I walk to the village shop to collect food for this evenings meal. Back home I take another call from a golf playing friend who has been bitten by the bug and now seeks ambitions for a handicap and to go the full 18 holes.
By the time I am thinking of training again I have run out of energy. This is how it happens, the energy ends and I have to cruise, reorganise and reset. I drift into the evening, eating a meal, watching football, Professor T and then writing the blog. It is a meander down the gravity well till I find my bed and wake in the morning with an unpredictable reserve of energy. This element ,of how things are, is the factor that makes it necessary to rebalance the activities in my life.