Thursday and I am up relatively early. A quick coffee and breakfast and I am ready to meeting crash the Enabling Environment team meeting. Dressed in my Arizona Coyote ice hockey jersey that the team gave me as a leaving present I was able to thank them for it and to express my pleasure at receiving it. After a quick ten minutes of indulgence, I change and go off to the Shed to write more letters. I’ve almost caught up with my list of people I owe letters to. At lunch time my partner, eldest daughter and I go for a walk around the village before lunching together. As the household goes back to work I finish my last letter and then post them.

It was time to try and solve the missing hedgehog or at least try to find out who or what is eating the hedgehog food. I plug the Apeman camera into my laptop and view the videos and pictures that have been generated over the last 24 hours. Despite the video usage and a new camera angle there is no sign of the hedgehog, but the food has gone. It’s a mystery. The cats cannot get into the canteen. They can put a nose or a paw in, but they cannot reach the food and the videos conform this. So, I move the camera to a new position and build an extension to the canteen entry. This will make absolutely sure that a cat cannot get in. So tomorrow I shall check and see if the food has gone or not.

The new extended entry to the canteen.

Having completed my changes to the canteen I get my washing in off the line and get ready to train. I really do not feel like it but I keep telling myself that it is part of my medicine. I remind myself that the oncologist’s advice was that exercising was the only realistic thing I could do to help myself. I go to the garage and set the rower for half an hour on my usual resistance. It’s a tough half hour and it feels like hard work, but it burns more than 400 calories.

Tough but a good burn.

I warm down, eat tea and settle down to watch football but half way through there is a call from my eldest daughter who is stranded at her circus skills session. Apparently, the Uber system is not working. I and my partner go adn pick her up in the car and return intime to see the end of the football and Vera solve the murder she was at before we left. Our local team lost, and I start to draft the blog while giving my night meds a chance to get working. I go to bed, tired and disturbed by the death of Bill Turnbull a fellow prostate cancer club member. He lasted 5 years, I’ve lasted 3 so far. Saturday is the third anniversary of my first chemotherapy.