Saturday and I wake to coffee and a departing partner and daughter, one to the gym and one to the hairdresser. I get up, have a muesli breakfast, check my messages and then spend time with the garden camera trying to find the right data cable. I succeed eventually and download the latest pictures of our hedgehog. He/she seems to be eating well and avoiding next doors cat very well. I of course start the blog so that I can include the hedgehog update.

My partner returns from the gym and we go off to the garden center to buy meat for tonight’s birthday feast and to top up or egg supply. I wear my Puck Futin hoodie for the first time in to the world. No one comments, why would they, but a couple of people do give me a second look. Bizarrely it turns out that my partner did not notice I was wearing it so was oblivious of any response whatsoever. Mission complete we return home.
The afternoon sees 14 man England lose to Ireland at rugby. A good game but an inevitable out come when you are reduced to 14 men after 82 seconds of the match. From there we move to feast my youngest daughters birthday with a roast meal, chocolate cake and present giving. It is good to sit around the table and chat, reminisce and plan for the future. Eventually I leave the table to finish the blog and to watch the football highlights. I have not trained today and I have feasted so I am not hopeful about tomorrows weigh in. However my weight battle and indeed my cancer battle, are insignificant compared to the battles in the Ukraine that rage through my TV screen at me. There is no good ending to this war, there will be an ending but at a much greater cost than we are seeing now. We either deal with this bully or suffer the consequences. If we are going to act it needs to be sooner rather than later.