Saturday and its scarecrow festival in the village, but not before I unpack from holiday and get my washing in and hung out on the line. My partner and eldest go and have a first look around the village while I do other things, like read an article in the September edition of The Psychologist with the catchy tittle of “The medical model has presided over four decades of flat-lining outcomes”. I recommend it to anyone who has tinkered with the idea that life hurts sometimes and that it is neither a cause of or manifestation of “an index of internal dysfunction”. Psychiatric outcomes have got no better since the 1980s despite billions being spent on new drug development, so something is wrong somewhere, I wonder if its the medical model where everything can be treated by drugs. I also order the first Moomin book, The Moomins and the Great Flood. Bizarrely it was published in England way after the other books were, so the initial book was not included in the Puffin set I bought. It arrives tomorrow and I will be able to complete my reading. There is a brief lunch break and then we all go off to look at the festival. So what follows is a brief selection of what was in offer which included an owl display. I should explain that the scarecrow festival had the theme of “events during the Queen’s reign”. The owls were just being themselves.

There are over a hundred scarecrows to be viewed so doubtless I will be out tomorrow afternoon viewing the others in the further flung reaches of the village. To date my favourite is;

This was wittily entitled “Jubilee street party”. I’m assuming pissed royal corgis.

After an ice cream and more wandering I return home and settle down for the evening. I realise that I failed to take my meds this morning and wash them down with my reviving coffee. The evening starts by drafting the blog and then changing into lounging attire in preparation for whatever comes between now and Match of the Day.

All the better to see you with in the cold light of day