Wednesday and I pray the bin went out and the hog got fed. An early coffee and a stare out of a window at the sea. Nothing comes to me apart from one or two bland thoughts. I retreat back to bed thinking I’ll give it another go. I read Tales From Moominvalley to the end. I have read all I have, there is one more Moomin book to be hunted down and read and that will be it. I finally get up again and my partner and I have a late breakfast.

I shower. Its always an adventure using a new shower for the first time. Its like meeting a dog for the first time you never know whether it is going to sniff you pleasantly and become your best friend or sink its teeth into for any old reason that comes into its brain. This shower looked pre-set, bite or sniff I wonder. As it turns out this is a very polite and friendly shower and provides me with warm and caressing water as opposed to a manic jet stream of geyser hot steam. Once pampered and sprayed with scent my partner and I go shopping for tonight’s tea. There in the adjacent camp site convenience store we find all we need , plus chocolate of course. There follows a period of lazing on seats outside while we watch the crows and the beach life.

The fence is exactly at the wrong height if sitting in one of the provided recliners. Sods Law.

We potter about wondering if it is really going to rain or not and in the end we have a late lunch as it begins to rain. Needless to say as soon as we are inside it stops. This is after all is England. I set to work and investigate my sons Amazon wish list as his birthday is coming up. There is an item that looks just right so I go to Amazon and pop it into my basket. I go to check out and as soon as I indicate that it is to be delivered to Sweden an extra £40 is slapped on as prospective duty. That is at least 25% of the cost price. That’s what Brexit has done for us, so thank you all you dumb fuckers who voted to come out of a relationship with our nearest trading neighbours. I contact my son and tell him the score. He checks that he can order it in Sweden for the list price, so that’s what will happen and I will move the money to him.

Time to walk the beach. Each day we promenade the beach looking for nature. There is drift wood and eaten corn cobs, not a crab or a kraken to be seen anywhere. Lots of families playing in the sea, surfers, body boarders and flounderers, all being herded by the lifeguards who give warnings about rip tides and currents. Our way to the beach is right next to the entrance to our residential complex.

Beach to the left Apartment to the right.

On returning from our walk there is coffee and hazelnut chocolate to aid Wordle and blog drafting. There is a feast planned for tonight before we watch Shetland and mutter to each other in Orkney voices, “there’s been a murrrrder”. Tomorrow is picnic on the beach day before packing and deciding when our optimum time of departure should be to give us the best shot of a smooth run home on Friday. How quickly the time passes and brings tricks of the mind. For example I seem to have lost day 183 Tuesday altogether. I remember a market and postcards written and posted, a walk on the beach and the start of reading Tales from Moominvalley. Clearly it never got as far as a blog page I wonder what that is all about. Thankfully others noticed, which is a relief.

Only the ocean can do this