Monday, Up at 9am for a coffee and a few notes in my journal. I make warm drinks for myself and partner, who is feeling bit off. I make us buttered toast and we read in bed till 12 o’clock when we get up for lunch. My partner showers and we have lunch, neither of us is feeling at our best. We go to a local campsite shop and buy all the odds and ends we need and return to the apartment. We sit outside to read overlooking the beach but it starts to rain. We continue to read indoors and then as the rain abates we go for a walk along the beach. Its bracing and a little damp. We return to our nest and continue to read. Today I have finished Moominpappa at Sea and Moominvalley in November. Currently I have started Tales from Moominvalley. We will eat tea, bath and while away the evening.

In the midst of this my GP rings, I ignore it but my eldest daughter rings to tell me that the GP is trying to get hold of me to arrange an annual full blood check related to a medication review. Never had one of those before so I am a bit taken aback. Certainly not something my oncologist has come up with. I suppose I shall have to ring up to make some sort of appointment over the next few days. In the meantime I shall go on having my hot flushes and feeling periodically tired. Everything feels an effort at the moment and I am aware that I am running on automatic at times. My creativity is low and much of the time I crave rest.

Its Raspberry Time.