Monday, jab Monday, so its up and shower, before making my way to the GP surgery. Clutching the box with the jab in I sit in the waiting room until the nurse calls mem in. I remind her that the right side is the one that gets the sorest. She looks for a new place which has less of the lumps that this jab creates. She finds a spot and slowly pumps the jab into me. Once done she turns her attention to my left arm where she gives me a B12 shot.

I go home and watch European sport and make myself one of my comfort foods, a fried egg sandwich! I eat and try to get myself motivated. I fail, I am just aware of the sore lump in my gut so take more paracetamol. A friend phones and we chat about her experience of selling her house and buying a new bungalow. We finish our call when her golf partner arrives. I continue to watch sport and prepare for the Tesco delivery. Tesco turn up on tine and there is a floury of activity followed by a period of squirreling. There is no avoiding the need to train so I down some more paracetamol and climb into my kit. I decide that 30 minutes at my usual resistance will do. It goes okay.


I change out of my kit and rest for a bit and then collect the garden camera and see if the hedgehog has been about. It would seem that the hog is being more active recently so there are quite a lot of day time pictures of him/her.

My Hog out and about for an early morning forage.

Its time for tea, more athletics and drafting the blog but all the time I am aware that I am getting “dopier” and more sore. Its the usual jab day progression, so by the time I go to bed it will feel grim. On occasions I stay up on these nights till I am vey tired and then I get some sleep. so it could be a long night.

The long road across the dessert of the real world