Friday, up early and a coffee and omelette breakfast. Morning meds, clear kitchen and off to the Shed to write a letter. I spend all morning writing the letter and tidying my work desk. It comes round to lunch time quickly, so I take a break and have a soup lunch, complete the residential voter form on line and start to draft the blog. I check my visitor numbers and hits to the site. Once again there is an inexplicable spike of over a thousand hits from 23 visitors so far today. This cannot be right and I suspect it might be associated with the renewal of my SSD certificate, either that or someone has inadvertently set up an automatic revisit. On the other hand the servers for the site are in America, so anything could be happening. I will check again this evening but now its time to post my letter and train. It needs to be a long session today due to my tardiness yesterday.

Then its into my training gear and into the garage and strapping into the rower. I set off on an hours row at my usual resistance level. It is tough going but after a while I get a phone call. The wonder of ear buds and blue tooth allows me to answer the call and continue to jog along on the rower. The call is from a friend on holiday and we spend tine catching up and exchanging views on the trials and tribulations of holidays, HR departments, bosses and the life admin required to make a holiday go smoothly. At the end of the call I return to my session and up the pace once again. It is enough to satisfy my exercise needs for the day.

Distance is down but the calories good enough.

I record the session and change so that I can feed the hedgehog. That done I settle down to the Commonwealth Games while the meal cooks. My partner and I eat dinner and watch some TV as my energy drains away. In the end my partner goes to bed and I draft the blog. Its been a day of plain but useful things, however I need to be getting out and about again before I get too confined to the house. Night meds and bed for me.

Time to be out