Tuesday, what a day for today spring has sprung. Apart from the joys of having my two monthly foot papmpering and get spring feet, my new Ukrainian support sweat shirt arrived, I spent time in the garden for the first time and best of all the hedgehog is awake. Yes all this and there are pictures:

So what can I say? In the face of the horrors of the Ukrainian war some how nature goes on finding a way. Regardless of what Putin does the real processes of the planet will keep moving and inevitabley take Putin to the earth or flames. However the same is true for all of us, the question is will we go from causes Putin or causes nature?
Anyway today I have jogged along with nature and may or may not train today but will watch tonights football match. I admit I slipped a smidgen of work into the morning but not a huge amount. I also had a good call with a friend this afternoon and talked about how COVID continues to plague us. My partner got a COVID contact alert today from what looked like a guenuine nhs portal. It asked her to get a PCR test and that she could get a home one sent. It then asked for a £1 and bank details at which point I found you could order one free from the nhs. It was a scam but looked very convincing. This world can be a pig at times, holding on to the good and being kind can be a challenge at times, but lets face it which of us hasn’t wished piggy Putin dead in the last 12 days?
So today was not the day I was expecting but its turned out differently good. Spring has put in an appearance, and if its good for hedgehogs it will do for me.