Thursday 7th July. Its a day of preparation for the start of a holiday tomorrow. Before we can set off to sunny Devon there is a much to do. So I spend my day sorting out yesterdays mound of packaging and recycling it. Then its on to the serious business of choosing a holiday wardrobe and packing. The weather is looking good so the amount of stuff I pack is kept to a smaller amount. I slip in a peanut butter bagel and a coffee to wash the meds down and then continue with the preparations.

By lunchtime holiday organisation is well under way. My partner and I make a list of the food we intend to take with us and the shopping list that goes with it. Having sorted that have lunch and then we take the car to fuel it up and check the tyres before going to Sainsburys to get our supplies. Back home the vittles get stowed and we go about our chores lists. A friend calls me on her journey from seeing her mother and we have the opportunity catch up. I squirrel away my birthday presents and get the hedgehog fed. The guy who keeps out garden tidy turns up and over coffee we discuss what needs doing and the how, when and how much it is going to cost. We do the business and I leave him to get on with the job.

My partner is still packing and I slide into the evening and wonder if I will get to watch the women’s football euro match and indulge in a long and refreshing pre travel bath. So its time to pack the laptop ready for the journey, hopefully I shall be posting tomorrows blog from the seaside as my partner and I just want to have a holiday without either of us becoming ill.

The waves will renew always