Saturday the second, my sisters birthday and the Desford Heritage Festival. I wake to a message from my youngest daughter to tell me that her partner has COVID so they won’t be coming to day. Its a real disappointment. She WhatsApp phones and we do some face time. We chat for a while and think about when the next opportunity for a visit will come round. I get a bacon sandwich for breakfast and Amazon delivers a couple of things. One is a cash book that I intend to keep just to se how the cash flow goes during my transition from worker to retiree. The other package is part of our preparation for the coming holiday, its a pair of portable chairs that we intend to take to the beech. Later I do a time trail to put them together, it takes me 30 seconds! I am pleasantly surprised.

From bag to seat in 30 seconds. Go me!

My partner and I go to the garden centre and stock up at the butchers and the veg guy. Its very much a get in get on and get out mission. Once home we stow the vittles and prepare to go out to the festival. The post has arrived and there is a letter from a friend north of the border. I settle down to read it with a coffee. I always enjoy her letters as they make me think. This one is no different. It is of course raining as we venture out to the Heritage Festival. The village has been divided in to historical areas so step out of our house into the Walk of Fame, consisting of well known Desfordians. An example is below;

We walk down into the village to see the Spitfire flyover but it gets cancelled due to the weather. Perhaps tomorrow. So we then wander around the various areas taking in the sights and the events. It is strange to wander from one era to another, for example from world war 2 to the Elizabethan era. Anderson shelter to Gloriana!

The whole village is full of characters from all sorts of eras. It is a fabulous display of peoples efforts and interests. The pictures say it all so well.

After a sandwich and look round the pop up museum we make our way back home. I’m tired but know I need to train. My partner and my eldest daughter go back out to the festival and I prepare to go to the garage to train. I deicide that I am going to go beyond the 30 minute mark and set myself for 45 minutes at the lower resistance. I start tentatively but get in to a rhythm after a while. It turns into a reasonable session and has extended me, which is what I need over the coming weeks.

635 calories is a good return on the session.

I get to the sofa to record the session and then change into my lazy evening kit, always an ice hockey shirt. From there is dinner, drafting the blog and keeping an eye on a really bad tempered match between Kygios and Tsitsipas. These two really do not like each other. The evening might be new Stranger Things however tomorrows weather forecast is for a dry sunny day so getting out and about in the festival will be the priority. I try to ring my sister to wish her happy birthday but there is no reply, my guess is she is watching Wimbledon.

This ocean I know.