Friday, jubilee Friday and its raining as I wake up in the hotel room to the sound of my phone alarm. Its make tea and coffee time and then a trip to the breakfast room. I still cannot face fried breakfast and stick with grapefruit, strawberries and toast washed down with coffee. I and my partner retreat to the lounge while it rains and I write more postcards, fill out my food journal, scribble some notes and draft some early lines for the blog. Now comes the difficult bit, deciding what to do with the rest of the day and where and when to eat later in the day. What I do notice is that my site stats tell me I had 22 visitors to the site but here were 1142 hits!!!!!This is clearly wrong unless I have a acquired a very obsessive reader, in which case I say to you once or twice a day will do.

So in the end we return to the room and wait for the rain to abate before we go out to town to post the cards and buy a paper. We stop for hot chocolate and sandwiches and wander around a bit before returning to the hotel to nap, do cross words and then indulge in the hot tub. A leisurely afternoon that will lead in to a leisurely evening of doing little except perhaps visiting the bistro down the road for a light evening meal. Of course I need to get my hair brained before we go out to eat.

We make our way to the bistro and manage to get a table. We settle in and are really pleased with the variety and quality of the food. It is a good meal and I finish off with a lovely fresh coffee. We are so impressed that we book a table for tomorrow before we walk back to the hotel and a quiet evening.

See the source image
Out there