Wednesday and a simple day. Got up, ate breakfast, wrote postcards ( I just know I’ve forgotten some people) and went to Beatrix Potter World. We queued for ages to get in but once in it was worth it. The children there liked it.

In the garden

Resisting the urge to buy stuff we left empty handed but entertained. Next mission was to buy trainer socks which was not as easy as thought as the Lake District is all walking and climbing of the serious variety which apparently requires very special socks that cost the earth. eventually found what I wanted at £3:50 for three pairs. So it was time for a light lunch and a sit down, however before we found our arbour of respite we booked a table for tomorrow night in an Italian restaurant. Striking while the iron was hot as finding tables in restaurants is proving tricky at the moment which is why we are dining in the hotel tonight. We returned to the hotel picking up a dozen bottles of water on the way and lugging them back through reception where we picked up our Amazon orders. New water proof trousers and some tools and beads so I can braid my hair. A chaps got to look the part on holiday.

We return to our room, do the cross word puzzles and hit the hot tub. I draft the blog before grabbing a shower and tarting myself up for dinner at 6:45. No idea how the evening will go, but I know tomorrow we are going on a boat to Ambleside to mosey around and explore.

See the source image
Everything is about the water.