Thursday and again I wake up feeling sore and under the weather, decidedly groggy. I have a coffee and get orientated to the day. My partner is in meetings so picking up the car from its service will have to wait. I put my washing in and tidy up a bit until my partner can give me a lift to the garage. We go and collect the car and then return home. I go to the Shed and end up Spring cleaning my desk top as an ink filler had leaked on to it. I send some messages and then continue throwing out some unwanted old cases. My partner finishes work for the day and we go to do the holiday shopping. We get our vittles and then return via the petrol station to top up the tank and to check the tyres for tomorrows run down to Devon.

Once home the perishables get stashed in the fridge and I get my washing in. I feed the hedgehog and refresh the water bowl. I work my way towards training. A walk down to the village chemists and buy some holiday toiletries. On my return I change and go to the garage. Once on the rower I select my normal resistance and decide to do an half hour. I set off and I am able to keep quite a good rhythm. It goes well and it feels like I am getting fitter.

Nearly 7.5 kilometres and a good calorie count.

I am pleased with my effort and what it hopefully signals. There will be no training on holiday and probably too many holiday treats so its good to have a decent session at this stage. I record the session and answer a couple of messages and get ready for tea. I eat watching the European athletics and then start to draft the blog. I still have to pack for tomorrow and sort out Tesco for my eldest daughter to eat next week. It will be alright on the night, its one of those mysteries. As long as I have my notebooks and pens with me I shall be alright along with my Moomin books. It seems to me that my battle has entered a new phase. It feels as if I wake up feeling the effects of my medication more than I was but that I am beginning to regain some fitness. Its a strange phase, one in which I am struggling to lose weight, which I think is more about not training as hard as I used to in order to avoid triggering passing blood, so I have to be patient with my self and persevere for the long term.

Sometimes only sleep will do.