Fight to start Saturday. Saturday nights a good night to fight

Friday. Awake at 9 o’clock and doing my SATs soon after. Breakfast of toast and the then I fill up my drugs wallets with my new chemotherapy drugs. They come in some cool packaging but still look menacing to me.

The new ammunition

Chore done I head for the garden. I focus on the front garden for hours in order to clear it of weeds and prepare to plant out the seedlings in the greenhouse. I flog away at it all morning until my partner feeds me at lunch time. Then I am back at planting out and tidying up in general. Along the way I take pictures of the amazing flowers that are appearing in my garden.

Eventually I run out of steam and retreat indoors and do another set of SATS to see how I am after all my gardening efforts. They turn out okay so I decide to grit my teeth and go for a training session. I change into my kit and get in the garage. I set up a half hour session. It goes quite well given my training schedule this week and I end up making my standard goals for half an hour.

A good 400+ calories and 6+ kilometres.

Back at the sofa I record the session and then go and shower before going out for a meal with friends. Its a really pleasant evening, good food, good company and good conversation. On getting home I draft the blog, take my night meds, then I head for bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day but will end with me starting my new chemotherapy. Scary but necessary. So this is the end of Armed and Ready and the beginning of Chemo II.

There will be treats