Friday seems a blur now and a long while ago. It was the day I got a P45 from the nhs, which was a bit of a surprise. I was sacked on the 1st of January apparently and will no longer be doing CQC work. It is a routine clear out of the CQC list of people that they have not used for a while and an avoidance of any IR35 obligations. Along with this came the letter from the tax man telling me what my final tax bill was. I had breakfast and went to the Shed to write letters until lunchtime. A brief lunch and then I soaked myself in the bath prior to going to the hospital for a thorax and abdomen scan at the mobile unit at 6:30pm. Hospitals in the early evening are strange places, an eerie atmosphere especially if you have to walk through some of the staff areas. I was early for the appointment but as I was the only person there they did me straight away. I had the privilege of being the nurses first person into which she had put a catheter in. It went well and I was soon flat out on the scanner bed, holding my breath and my veins being pumped with a marker chemical. It was over quickly really and I was released to wander back through the ghost ship hospital to retrieve my car and drive home. My evening was a sofa bound one as I end my week of injections, scans and meetings.
Saturday was of course watching the international rugby matches. I admit I do not feel at my best as I think the week of having chemicals introduced into my body has caught up with me. As a household we get up late to a full breakfast and a run into the rugby games by taking a walk round our local duck pond and buying pies from the garden centre. We return home to watch the rugby. We choose to watch the games on TV rather than go to the Tigers who are playing at home. We have seriously considered giving up our season tickets as would cover the increase in the fuel bills over a year. I get a surprise parcel and find a colleague has sent me an unexpected present of a Mariners ice hockey jersey. Its a very welcome addition to my collection and will include it in the background of ice hockey jerseys that I use when I make poetry coyote videos. As the rugby ends we leave as a family to go and dine with friends, who serve us a Burns night dinner. Haggis with neeps and taties followed by Cranachan. The conversation flowed and before we new it midnight was upon us and I was driving home feeling well fed and bed tired.
Sunday and we have a lay in after our late night. When we did arise it was for a simple toast breakfast. Of course I weighed in first thing to find that I had lost half a kilo and am down to 95.3 kilos. Its not good but it will do after the week I’ve had. I potter for a while and then grit my teeth and get into the office PC and pay my tax bill. Always a moment that I find difficult but I guess I have had the benefit from the income. There is more international rugby to watch followed by watching my local football team being dumped out of the FA cup. The African cup of nations final follows. We eat dinner and settle down to do nothing apart from me catching up with the blog.