Not quite as good as it could be but getting there.

Saturday, 1st January 2022, an important day in my life. I have made a decision. After many hours (literally) of jigsawing I have decided to never do another one. I was so taken aback by how many hours I spent today aimlessly putting bits of jigsaw in place, depicting something that did not even match the picture on the box, I realised just what a waste of my life time it is. What is someone with a life limiting dose of cancer doing playing with jigsaws? Wasting their time was my conclusion, so I won’t be doing it again. Having spent the majority of the day jigsawing I have a long call with my sister in the evening, the reconnected landline proving its worth. I catch up with Dr Who, a childhood habit and then watch the latest BBC serial “The Tourist”. I go to bed feeling that I have wasted a day and not got the flying start to 2022 that I intended.

Sunday and its kill Christmas day. First it is weigh in day:

95.8 Kilos, which

official makes me a fat


I have managed to put on 2.1 kilos over the Christmas fortnight, which is not good, so as from Monday, tomorrow, I shall restart my eating regime coupled with my exercise sessions. I’m contemplating joining Football v Fat at my local community centre. I might have to wait to get a place but I think I would enjoy playing at a team game even this late in life. Its meant for fat bastards with a BMI over 27.5 so I would qualify. I figure I’m still fit enough to run away from even wobblier blokes. Its a long time since I owned a pair of indoor football boots.

Having weighed in I had a muesli breakfast and then my partner and I went off to the garden centre to get food for today. Nothing like a butchers pie and beans for a filling meal. We also laid in bacon and sausages for tomorrow in case Tesco decides to deliver late. Back home its time to de-Christmas. I get the boxes out of the loft and start the process of undressing the tree in reverse order. My partner dealt with the hall while I pack away “the god in a box” set bought in Barcelona and the nesting nativity dolls we bought in Prague years ago. I am very organised with boxes and packaging for all the different types of tree ornament that we have. Over the years I have collected a large number of drops and these are the ones I like most along with the more recent ones that have been given to us as presents. It takes a long time to reach the naked tree stage. The boxes get put back in the loft for another year. The disposal of the tree is always a challenge in terms of how to minimize the needle drop and the ensuing months of being speared by errant pine needles at unexpected moments. This year I put the garden recycle bin at the front door and saw the tree down in sections which get rammed into the bin. Eventually I am left with the thick end of the trunk which ends up in the garden. There is sweeping and dustpan and brushing a plenty until it is safe to move the TV back into the bay window. All is done, Christmas gone. I celebrate with a can of coke and watch a rugby match.

My evening will be quiet. I have Christmas books to read and the second episode of “The Tourist” to watch. Of course the Tesco order is to be updated. Normally tomorrow I would be having my 28 day injection but because of the Bank Holiday it is delayed till Tuesday so I do not need to start taking my prophylactic paracetamol till tomorrow, so perhaps I can get started on something. I have a project up my sleeve and one or two other things that I want to do. But most of all Mondays are “start again days”, so there is training to be done.