Here we go Monday. Its a lazy start and my partner and I drink coffee before getting up to breakfast. A lazy breakfast and then a slow preparation towards the gym. We get there and hit the gym floor. I climb up on a cross trainer and grind out an hour. Its tough after not exercising for four days, my body clearly does not like any break from training. It gets slightly easier as the hour wears on. I burn 718 calories and go 8.08 kilometres whist downing 750 millilitres of water. A welcome shower and I am into the lounge with a large americano waiting for my partner. We leave the welcoming of the Tesco delivery to our eldest daughter and sit and talk in the gym lounge and eat a late lunch. We do not leave till mid afternoon.
Home, and before anything else we walk to the village shop to gather up the things we need that Tesco have not delivered. Apparently there is a shortage of baked beans. Shopping done, we return home and settle down to a coffee and a bun before sitting for a while before settling into an evening meal and a DVD of Cirque du Solei. My evening ends with the blog and a quiet time to think about tomorrow appointment with the oncologist. It has become an important day to me already, it feels like much hangs on it, I seek sanctuary.