Its Vampire Friday! I’m up early after my partner brought me coffee to get me going. I am at the GPs by 7:50. I am reminded to wear a mask before I go into have my blood taken. The first vial goes well and then my body gets resistant about giving away its blood so I have to fist pump the next vial. With my fluffy cotton wool cloud taped to my arm I return home via the shop for breakfast. My partner and I eat a hearty breakfast and then start the pre travel routine determined by storm Eunice. We constantly check the departure boards on the web and watch as train after train is cancelled. Our intend train is cancelled and so we cancel our taxi and continue to monitor the departure boards. It looks like the 14:45 is a goer, we drive to the station and as we park we hear the announcement that all trains north and south have been cancelled untill at least 17:00 hours. We check with the staff and they are pretty sure the cancellations will continue into the night; it turned out to be the case. We drive home, watch olympics and ring the hotel in London to tell them what the situation is. We will try again in the morning but in the meantime we will keep monotoring the trains. It will be a long evening and in the back ground my bloods will be being analysed. So I am going to call it a day, try and chill and consider the options for tomorrow and hope the wind and the rain abates. I will also try and sublimate my anger and rage at having what was planned to be a good time, a break from the usual shit, turned into a cluster fuck of aggravation. Hmmm I see the sublimation is going well.